July 15, 2020 All Outstanding Matches
Posted at 11:53h
by JoeB
Below are the outstanding matches prior to play stoppage up to today. This does NOT include in-house league matches as those are usually played out of order and can be played any day at any time.
ADA Sunday Trips Sprng 20
Week 1
03/01/2020 |
Paddys 1 |
vs |
Zelmos 3 |
at Paddys |
Week 3
03/15/2020 |
Zelmos 3 |
vs |
Bobbys Tap 1 |
at Zelmos |
03/15/2020 |
Gustos 1 |
vs |
Zelmos 2 |
at Gustos |
Week 4
07/05/2020 |
Bobbys Tap 1 |
vs |
Zelmos 2 |
at Bobbys Tap |
Week 5
07/12/2020 |
Zelmos 2 |
vs |
Zelmos 3 |
at Zelmos |
07/12/2020 |
Bobbys Tap 1 |
vs |
Paddys 1 |
at Bobbys Tap |
ADA Wednesday Spring 2020
Week 5
03/04/2020 |
Zelmos 3 |
vs |
Zelmos 2 |
at Zelmos |
Week 7
07/08/2020 |
Bobbys Tap |
vs |
Zelmos 1 |
at Bobbys Tap |
07/08/2020 |
Gustos |
vs |
Zelmos 3 |
at Gustos |
Monday NDA Spring 20
Week 5
03/16/2020 |
Gustos 2 |
vs |
Paddys 1 |
at Gustos |
03/16/2020 |
Industry Tap 2 |
vs |
Johnnys 2 |
at Industry Tap |
Thurs 80S Doubles Wntr 19
Week 9
01/30/2020 |
AkreBarnett |
vs |
StevensSkole |
at Morris VFW |
Week 10
02/06/2020 |
ChandlerClabots |
vs |
StevensSkole |
at Morris VFW |
Week 12
02/20/2020 |
StevensSkole |
vs |
WinchesterDunn |
at Morris VFW |
Week 14
03/05/2020 |
AkreBarnett |
vs |
ChandlerClabots |
at Morris VFW |
Week 15
03/12/2020 |
WinchesterDunn |
vs |
ChandlerClabots |
at Ebbeys |
03/12/2020 |
StevensSkole |
vs |
PetersonSchehr |
at Morris VFW |
Week 16
03/19/2020 |
ChandlerClabots |
vs |
LowmanLawson |
at Morris VFW |
03/19/2020 |
PetersonSchehr |
vs |
AkreBarnett |
at Morris VFW |
03/19/2020 |
EddardsLenzie |
vs |
WinchesterDunn |
at Morris VFW |
Wednesday A NDA Spring 20
Week 2
02/26/2020 |
Hangover 1 |
vs |
The Team |
at Hangover |
Week 5
07/08/2020 |
Hangover 1 |
vs |
Mickeys 1 |
at Hangover |
Wednesday B NDA Spring 20
No outstanding matches
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