We didn't just write some software because we know how to write software. We aren't throwing a half working app out there just to show you we can write an app. We have walked the walk. We have (and still do) run leagues. We've owned bars. We know what it's like!
What we offer is the opportunity for you to provide your players with accurate, timely and reliable information. This gives you the opportunity to increase the presence of your league, tournament, location and gaming offerings as well. All targeted toward a specific demographic, people that are going to go into your bar!
We have stated that "a well organized league can add at least $20,000 to your bottom line annually." We are prepared to share the numbers with you, right now.
This scenario makes the following assumptions and are very conservative based on our experience managing leagues for the past 10 years.
This is a very conservative estimate of a $20 spend per player, per night average. Many times this spend is on beverages alone. The theoretical return can be from the player spend going toward food, beverages, gaming, jukebox etc. These figures don't even include the coin drop for league play as leagues play a various number and type of games. Some leagues are also steel tip that don't generate a coin drop.
Download the breakdown in PDF showing you how your league can increase revenue. Then contact us to arrange some time. It's a win\win.
How we do what we do. How we can automate displaying your league stats on any device. All at a lower cost then you would think.
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