December 12, 2019 Wednesday NDA League Outstanding Matches
Outstanding matches for Wednesday A and B are below. Wednesday December 18th is the makeup week then there are no matches for 2 weeks for the holidays. Playoffs begin on January 8th. All makeup matches need to be played BEFORE (not on) January 5th. That gives teams from now until January 4th to play makeup matches. The final playoff bracket will be posted on January 5th. Remember that there are no forfeits. A match not played is simply not played.
Wednesday A
Week 13
Gustos 2 vs Mickeys 2
Week 14
Hangover 1 vs Mickeys 2
Week 15
Gustos 2 vs The Team
Wednesday B
Week 8
Gustos 1 vs Zelmos 1
Week 10
City Tavern vs Bedrocks 1
Week 11
Gustos 1 vs Mickeys 3
Week 13
Mickeys 3 vs Zelmos 1
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