September 22, 2023 Weekly Recap for Thurs 80S Dbls Summer 23. Week number 9
Weekly Recap for Thurs 80S Dbls Summer 23. Week number 9.
Tony Lenzie led all players in Cricket shooting 3.18 for the week.
Cricket wins were recorded by: Brian Gain(3), Brian Thomas(1), Donovan Eddards(2), Michael Cummings(2), Mikey Barnett(3), Scotty Kirkham(3), Tony Lenzie(3)
5 mark rounds – Brian Gain(4), Brian Thomas(3), Josh Lawson(3), Michael Cummings(3), Mikey Barnett(4), Scotty Kirkham(2), Tony Lenzie(9)
6 mark rounds – Brian Gain(2), Donovan Eddards(4), Josh Lawson(2), Michael Cummings(2), Mikey Barnett(3), Scotty Kirkham(1), Tony Lenzie(3)
7 mark rounds – Brian Gain(2), Donovan Eddards(2), Michael Cummings(1), Mikey Barnett(2), Scotty Kirkham(2), Tony Lenzie(3)
8 mark rounds – Brian Gain(1)
9 mark rounds – No 9 mark rounds were thrown
Cricket hats – Josh Lawson(1), Scotty Kirkham(1)
White horses – No cricket white horses were thrown
Tony Lenzie led all players in 501 shooting 30.06 for the week.
501 wins were recorded by: Donovan Eddards(4), Josh Lawson(3), Michael Cummings(2), Mikey Barnett(5), Scotty Kirkham(3), Tony Lenzie(1)
Hat tricks – Brian Gain(2), Brian Thomas(2), Donovan Eddards(3), Josh Lawson(4), Michael Cummings(1), Mikey Barnett(2), Scotty Kirkham(1), Tony Lenzie(8)
Low tons – Brian Gain(12), Brian Thomas(12), Donovan Eddards(23), Josh Lawson(13), Michael Cummings(13), Mikey Barnett(14), Scotty Kirkham(21), Tony Lenzie(19)
High tons – No high tons were thrown
Highest Out – Mikey Barnett(138)
Tony Lenzie led all players in 701 shooting 29.29 for the week.
701 wins were recorded by: Donovan Eddards(1)
Hat tricks – Tony Lenzie(2), Donovan Eddards(2)
Low tons – Scotty Kirkham(4), Donovan Eddards(2), Tony Lenzie(3), Michael Cummings(2)
High tons – No high tons were thrown
Highest Out – Donovan Eddards(4)
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