Key Matchups for Wednesday B NDA Week 10


For 10/30/2019 in the Wednesday NDA Div B Fall 2019 League Week # 10

City Tavern and Dominic Galvin shooting 2.70 takes on Bedrocks 1 and Jeff Fischer shooting 2.53
Gustos 1 and Brian Thomas shooting 2.25 takes on LetsHearItForTheBoys and Doug Schriber shooting 2.45
Zelmos 2 and Tara Saltzmann shooting 1.56 takes on Zelmos 1 and Nicole Grissom shooting 1.65

City Tavern and Nic Miller shooting 19.59 takes on Bedrocks 1 and Larry Weiske shooting 18.65
City Tavern and Matt Ramirez shooting 22.23 takes on Bedrocks 1 and Jeff Fischer shooting 22.26
Johnnys 1 and Frank Cabreda shooting 15.32 takes on Paddys 1 and Eddie Gonzalez shooting 15.36
Johnnys 1 and Slawek Pagos shooting 20.41 takes on Paddys 1 and Marvin Jones shooting 20.24
Zelmos 2 and Bryce Sing shooting 16.55 takes on Zelmos 1 and Nicole Grissom shooting 17.75

Shoot the Bull....
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