July 26, 2018 Weekly Recap Wednesday B Week 12
Weekly Recap for Wednesday NDA Div B Summer 2018. Week number 12.
Tony Gavlin led all players in Cricket shooting 3.21 for the week.
Cricket wins were recorded by: Allan Startz(1), Brad Lewis(3), Dennis Madigan(2), Dontay Harden(1), Frank Cannon(3), Gordon Butler(1), Jason Barlog(1), Josh Brand(1), NICK(1), Norm Reno(2), Slawek Pagos(1), Steve Lewis(2), Tony Gavlin(2)
5 mark rounds – Barrie Link(1), Brad Lewis(3), Dontay Harden(1), Frank Cannon(2), Genaro Zamora(3), Gordon Butler(1), Jason Barlog(2), Josh Brand(1), Judy Butler(4), Kevin Crowe(1), Mike Yurkovich(3), Norm Reno(2), Steve Lewis(2)
6 mark rounds – Dontay Harden(1), Gordon Butler(1), NICK(1), Slawek Pagos(2), Steve Lewis(1), Tony Gavlin(2)
7 mark rounds – Frank Cannon(2), Jason Barlog(1), Judy Butler(1), Norm Reno(1), Tony Gavlin(1)
8 mark rounds – No 8 mark rounds were thrown
9 mark rounds – Jason Barlog(1), Josh Brand(1)
Cricket hats – Frank Cannon(1), Norm Reno(1)
White horses – No cricket white horses were thrown
Tony Gavlin led all players in 501 shooting 30.60 for the week.
501 wins were recorded by: Barrie Link(3), Dennis Madigan(1), Dontay Harden(3), Frank Cannon(1), Kevin Crowe(2), Linda Jaskoviak(2), Melissa EliasHinchliffe(3), Mike Yurkovich(1), Norm Reno(2), Phil Collins(1), Robert Garcia(2)
Hat tricks – Brad Lewis(2), Frank Cannon(3), Genaro Zamora(1), Judy Butler(1), Mike Yurkovich(1), Steve Lewis(2), Tony Gavlin(1)
Low tons – Allan Startz(2), Barrie Link(11), Brad Lewis(3), Dennis Madigan(1), Dontay Harden(3), Frank Cannon(3), Genaro Zamora(1), Gordon Butler(2), Jason Barlog(8), Josh Brand(4), Judy Butler(3), Kevin Crowe(3), Linda Jaskoviak(2), Melissa EliasHinchliffe(2), Mike Yurkovich(5), NICK(1), Norm Reno(5), Phil Collins(2), Robert Garcia(5), Slawek Pagos(4), Steve Lewis(4), Tony Gavlin(7)
High tons – No high tons were thrown
Highest Out – Barrie Link(124)
Brad Lewis led all players in 701 shooting 43.82 for the week.
701 wins were recorded by: Brad Lewis(1), Jennifer Sweeney(1), NICK(1)
Hat tricks – Barrie Link(1), Brad Lewis(1), Norm Reno(1), Slawek Pagos(1)
Low tons – Barrie Link(1), Brad Lewis(2), Frank Cannon(1), Genaro Zamora(1), Gordon Butler(1), Jason Barlog(1), Mike Yurkovich(1), Phil Collins(1), Steve Lewis(1)
High tons – No high tons were thrown
Highest Out – Jennifer Sweeney(86)
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