November 21, 2018 Weekly Recap Tuesday Pontiac Week 4
Weekly Recap for Pontiac Winter 2018. Week number 4.
Nick Fortner led all players in Cricket shooting 3.29 for the week.
Cricket wins were recorded by: Chris Delheimer(1), Dillon Toon(1), Eric Lewis(1), Matt Kemp(1), Mitch Nolastname(2), Nick Fortner(1), Ron Tickle(1), Ryan Abraham(1), Scott Edinger(1), Tony Collins(1)
5 mark rounds – Benny Benson(1), Chris Delheimer(1), JJ Rodriguez(1), Julie NoLastName(2), Mitch Nolastname(1), Nick Fortner(1), Ron Tickle(1), Ryan Abraham(1), Scott Edinger(1), Steve Muir(1), Tony Collins(2)
6 mark rounds – Nick Fortner(1), Ron Tickle(1)
7 mark rounds – Chris Delheimer(1), Eric Lewis(2), Nick Fortner(1)
8 mark rounds – No 8 mark rounds were thrown
9 mark rounds – No 9 mark rounds were thrown
Cricket hats – JJ Rodriguez(1)
White horses – No cricket white horses were thrown
Rick Baier led all players in 301 shooting 27.05 for the week.
301 wins were recorded by: Benny Benson(2), Chris Delheimer(2), Dillon Toon(2), Jane Dixon(1), JJ Rodriguez(1), Julie NoLastName(1), Matt Kemp(1), Rick Baier(1), Scott Edinger(1)
Hat tricks – JJ Rodriguez(1), Matt Kemp(1)
Low tons – Benny Benson(1), Chris Delheimer(4), Cory Lee(1), Dillon Toon(1), Eric Lewis(1), Erica Armagast(1), Jane Dixon(1), JJ Rodriguez(1), Julie NoLastName(1), Nick Fortner(1), Rick Baier(3), Ron Tickle(1), Scott Bresner(1), Scott Edinger(3)
High tons – No high tons were thrown
Highest Out – Benny Benson(109)
Nick Fortner led all players in 501 shooting 30.72 for the week.
501 wins were recorded by: Cory Lee(1), Dillon Toon(2), Eric Lewis(1), JJ Rodriguez(2), Kurt Muir(2), Matt Kemp(1), Rick Householder(1), Ron Tickle(1), Scott Bresner(1)
Hat tricks – Chris Delheimer(1), JJ Rodriguez(2)
Low tons – Chris Delheimer(1), Cory Lee(1), Dillon Toon(1), Eric Lewis(1), JJ Rodriguez(1), Julie NoLastName(1), Kurt Muir(2), Matt Kemp(1), Mitch Nolastname(1), Nick Fortner(3), Rick Baier(1), Ron Tickle(2), Scott Bresner(1), Scott Edinger(1), Woody Nolastname(1)
High tons – Nick Fortner(1)
Highest Out – Kurt Muir(116)
Nick Fortner led all players in 701 shooting 32.22 for the week.
701 wins were recorded by: Ron Tickle(1), Woody Nolastname(1)
Hat tricks – No hat tricks were thrown
Low tons – Chris Delheimer(1), JJ Rodriguez(1), Nick Fortner(2), Rick Baier(1), Ron Tickle(1), Scott Edinger(1), Tony Collins(1)
High tons – No high tons were thrown
Highest Out – Ron Tickle(50)
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