September 6, 2018 Weekly Recap Wednesday B Playoffs Finals
Weekly Recap for Wednesday NDA Div B Summer 2018. Week number 18.
Tony Gavlin led all players in Cricket shooting 3.07 for the week.
Cricket wins were recorded by: Barrie Link(2), Frank Cannon(2), Gordon Butler(3), Larry Nedolast(1), Slawek Pagos(1), Tony Gavlin(3)
5 mark rounds – Barrie Link(5), Frank Cannon(1), Gordon Butler(2), Judy Butler(1), Slawek Pagos(4), Tony Gavlin(5)
6 mark rounds – Barrie Link(1), Corey Ambrose(1), Frank Cannon(2), Gordon Butler(1), Judy Butler(1), Slawek Pagos(1), Tony Gavlin(1)
7 mark rounds – Barrie Link(1), Corey Ambrose(3), Frank Cannon(1), Gordon Butler(1), Slawek Pagos(1), Tony Gavlin(1)
8 mark rounds – No 8 mark rounds were thrown
9 mark rounds – Tony Gavlin(1)
Cricket hats – Barrie Link(1), Tony Gavlin(2)
White horses – Slawek Pagos(1)
Tony Gavlin led all players in 501 shooting 30.51 for the week.
501 wins were recorded by: Barrie Link(2), Corey Ambrose(2), Frank Cannon(3), Gordon Butler(1), Judy Butler(1), Larry Nedolast(1), Slawek Pagos(3), Tony Gavlin(1)
Hat tricks – Barrie Link(2), Corey Ambrose(1), Frank Cannon(3), Judy Butler(2), Tony Gavlin(6)
Low tons – Barrie Link(8), Corey Ambrose(7), Frank Cannon(9), Gordon Butler(5), Judy Butler(4), Larry Nedolast(3), Slawek Pagos(7), Tony Gavlin(9)
High tons – No high tons were thrown
Highest Out – Frank Cannon(137)
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